Notice: I’ll be in the USA 1/17–2/8. Orders placed during this time will ship after I return.
Final shipping before the trip: 1/14 -
Order by 1/12 11:59 PM KST to make it.
Questions? Message me on Instagram. Thanks!
Used & Vintage Collectible Junk From Korea & Japan - ***Shipped from Korea***
Store updates at 10 PM KST, when possible.
Notice to Customers: All products sold on this store are used. The sale of these items is protected under the First-Sale Doctrine in the United States.
Legal Notice: "The first-sale doctrine, codified at 17 U.S.C. § 109, allows the purchaser of a lawfully made copy of a copyrighted work to sell or otherwise dispose of that copy without the permission of the copyright owner."